Join SteelZero

Join the leading network of businesses globally who have already made a commitment to net zero steel by 2050 or earlier, and to a cleaner, brighter future for their business and planet.

Wind turbine at sunset

Our members benefit from...

Making change happen

SteelZero members are using their purchasing power and influence to send a powerful message of demand to steel producers, investors and policymakers to speed up widescale production of net zero steel.

Making credible commitments

SteelZero allows businesses to make transparent, accountable, and credible commitments to tackle their emissions. With clear, time-bound targets, they have a clear pathway towards sourcing the net zero steel they need.

Setting the agenda

We coordinate working groups and roundtables throughout the year to foster peer learning and to assist organisations in developing a roadmap to address barriers in their supply chains and fulfil their commitment to net zero steel.


SteelZero members are preparing for inevitable changes across their supply chains to remain economically competitive in the transition to a low-carbon world.​

The need to knows

How to join

It all starts with a conversation. We’ll first set up an introductory call to tell you about who we are, our work and to discuss membership so you have all the information you need to decide if you’d like to join. If you’d like to formally explore membership, we’ll share with you a joining form. Once this is completed, we’ll do our final diligence checks (if any questions arise, we’ll discuss these with you) and draw up your Membership Agreement for you to sign.

Completion of this form marks the formal start of your SteelZero membership. At this point, all that’s left to do is to work with your communications team to coordinate a public announcement of your commitment. 

Commitment framework

Organisations that join SteelZero make a commitment to procuring, specifying or stocking 100% of their steel requirement by 2050 as net zero steel, with an interim commitment to procure, specify or stock lower emission steel for 50% of their steel requirement by 2030. This interim commitment can be met through one or both of the following pathways: 

  1. Steel produced by a steelmaking site where the steelmaker has a science-based emissions target.
  2. ‘Lower emission steel’ (aligning with ResponsibleSteel Decarbonisation Progress Level 2)

Please note that the commitment framework is currently undergoing an update. For more detail please contact the SteelZero team directly by emailing

Reporting requirements

In consultation with our members, we’ve created a reporting framework which members use to report on their progress against their commitments. Our reporting form captures total quantity of steel procured/specified/stocked by members and the quantity of that steel that is aligned with the SteelZero 2030 interim commitment pathways. Reporting is on an annual basis.

This reporting will help us understand member progress toward the SteelZero commitment and to drive data transparency and consistency in the supply chain.

Workers looking at documents on a worksite

Key documents

  • SteelZero at a glance - For a quick overview of everything about SteelZero, from who we are and why we need to decarbonise steelmaking, to what it means to be a SteelZero member.
  • Commitment framework - The SteelZero commitment is currently undergoing an update. For more information please contact
  • FAQs - For the answer to questions such as: What is SteelZero? What do members commit to? How do members report against their commitment?

Ready to join?

If you’d like to discuss SteelZero membership and set up an introductory call or if you have any questions about our work, we’d love to hear from you.